March 8, 2009

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Hello! I hope this entry finds you happy and healthy this weekend, and that you are taking good care of yourself. Here's what been on my mind these last couple weeks!

Sometimes we do patently foolish things even though we know they are patently foolish. Case in point: I threw away the combination to my new lock thinking I had it memorized. After not using it for two weeks, it turns out I don't. Doh!

We had pizza in the office a few days back, and there was an advertisement for this product called the Ab Rocket printed on the top and sides of the pizza box. I can see what they're trying to do: reach people who feel guilty about eating pizza and get them to buy something that will help them lose the gut they may be getting from eating that pizza. I'm not sure it's a great approach.

I really enjoy NPR podcasts. At 20-30 minutes each, they are perfect for listening to at work and provide me with continuous updates on what's going on in areas I'm interested in such as the environment, economy and music. The All Songs Considered podcast introduces artists you've likely never heard of. Some of them I fast forward through; several others I listen to with a neutral ear; and a handful I really enjoy. Check out to hear one artist I particularly liked, and visit to see if there are any NPR podcasts that you might like!

There was an article in the Times recently about an expected falloff in funding/enrolling in humanities programs in colleges as a result of our economy's difficulties. I think that's pretty sad, because it's the humanities people who remind us that we're all in this together somehow and perpetuate the moral and ethical fibers that hold society together.

Apparently a few buildings in NYC have been equipped with these cogenerators that produce electricity and reuse the steam that gets created in the process to heat the building. Why aren't all medium- to large-buildings being equipped with this? And there's also an electric truck at the port of Los Angeles that can handle several tons... meaning every 'This vehicle makes frequent stops' kind of vehicle (i.e. garbage trucks, school buses) should be electric a.s.a.p. These are great opportunities to improve.

I did some reading about how President Obama is trying to establish a cap-and-trade system for carbon emissions by corporations. It got me thinking about how long people go along with harmful behaviors simply because they don't feel the harm until it has accumulated over time and everything derails. We even do it as individuals with diet and lifestyle choices. Anyhow, the power companies will complain that reducing their pollution levels or paying for carbon emissions credits will drive up the price of energy for consumers.... but that's kind of the point of the free-market. This is way overdue. What happened when gas was $4 a gallon? Everyone was talking about hybrid and electric vehicles and eliminating our dependence on gasoline. If home and office energy costs increase as a result of companies finally having to clean up after themselves, it will spur innovation toward a better type of energy. People will also finally start making a better effort to turn off the lights.

I'm glad to see that Tiger Woods made his return to professional golf. However, I was annoyed by all of the hype surrounding it.... people were calling it the 'most anticipated return in the history of the PGA Tour.' Tiger got a surgery on his knee and worked very hard to build his strength back up.... but that's cake compared to being in a head-on collision with a Greyhound bus on a foggy highway, resulting in a double-fracture of the pelvis, a fractured collar bone, a left ankle fracture, a chipped rib and near-fatal blood clots; receiving a prognosis that you might never walk again; and coming back to win the U.S. Open when it had a 36-hole Sunday. You want an amazing comeback? Learn about Ben Hogan.

I was lucky enough to be invited to a course on integrative nutrition by my friend Sandra. I learned about an eastern practice called ayurveda, a.k.a. the science of life. The speaker talked about how the earth starts fresh with each spring and how we can use the foods that grow in the various seasons to start fresh ourselves. It's all about using diet in the spring to promote the processing of fat cells that contain harmful toxins and improve the health of the lymphatic system (i.e. immunity). I think I'm going to give it a try - beginning with a 4-day detox diet and following up by trying to shop seasonally. It's interesting stuff, and you can learn more at

Until next time... be well!

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