Review of the Presidential Debate

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I’ve decided to write a post reviewing the first debate between Obama and McCain. I will be reviewing each of the eight topics discussed in two parts: 1.) Main points from each candidate’s response, and 2.) My thoughts on each topic. I don’t know if I’ll be doing this after every debate, but after anticipating this first one for so long, I wanted to chime in.

Topic #1: This week’s financial meltdown.


  • Inferior regulations rooted in trickle down economics put us into this situation
  • The answer is to revamp regulations to meet 21st century conditions


  • We need more oversight of the regulators, but not more regulations
  • The fundamental goodness of the American spirit will prevent this from happening again


We need both stronger regulations and stricter oversight. The notion that providing more room for the wealthy to get wealthier will trickle down into the middle class has proven to be wrong.

Topic #2: Getting the US out of this financial mess.


  • Clean out rampant earmarks in Washington - claims he will veto any bill with an earmark
  • Reduce government spending
  • Reduce the 35% business tax rate in order to stimulate job growth
  • Wants to double child tax credit to $7000

  • Change the tax policy to relieve the middle class - reduced taxes for 95% of Americans
  • Attacks McCain's $300 billion in tax cuts for those who earn $250,000 and up
  • End tax breaks for companies who send jobs overseas
  • Close loopholes that leave the corporate tax rate ineffectual


McCain is to be applauded for his focus on eliminating earmarks, but not all earmarks are of evil. I would prefer the President to thoroughly review each, rather than automatically veto. Obama is to be applauded for his focus on helping the middle class, whose wages have effectively shrunk relative to inflation over the last few years.


Topic #3: Giving up priorities in response to the $700 billion finance rescue


  • Can't know what will be delayed until we see what kind of budget we have to work with
  • Things most important not to delay:
  1. Energy independence - more domestic oil production, better fuel efficiency standards and growing alternative energies
  2. Education in science, technology and math; making college affordable
  3. Update infrastructure in terms of broadband lines and power grid to rural communities
  • Locate areas of wasted spending such as money to private insurers; the war in Iraq

  • Rein in government spending by eliminating ineffectual spending, such as ethanol subsidies
  • Total spending freeze with the exception of Defense and Veterans Care
  • End to Cost + Contract defense spending, replaced with Fixed Cost spending, to eliminate massive overruns
  • Reduce $700 billion that goes to other countries, some of who are hostile to us
  • Create 700,000 new jobs by building 45 nuclear plants by 2030

MY THOUGHTS: In my opinion, these types of questions do more to define a candidate’s character than anything else. McCain’s answer seemed jumbled – like when he said A healthy economy with low taxes is the best recipe for having the economy recover. What?! The answer to a struggling economy is a healthy economy? If the economy is healthy, what are we recovering from? I also loved McCain’s response to Obama’s challenge that it’s hard to swallow talk of reining in spending when McCain voted for so much of Bush’s spending. McCain’s response: I’m a maverick. Well, I’m sold!


Topic #4: The Lessons of Iraq


  • Key lesson (not too brilliant): You cannot have a strategy that cause you to lose. Supported the change in strategy to the troop surge and thinks it has been successful.
  • Feels we must leave Iraq a winner because we cannot afford not to - period.

  • Key lesson: You need to know more before you get into these things. We didn't know costs, had no exit strategy, didn't think about impact on international relations, and hadn't even finished fighting Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.
  • Clarified McCain's attack: McCain voted against war spending with a timetable, while Obama voted against spending without a timetable

MY THOUGHTS: It all comes down to this issue of a timetable. As far as I know, Iraq’s got a $79 billion surplus (something the US will never have again) and the president there agreed with Obama’s 16-month plan for staged withdrawal of US troops. Meanwhile, attacks by Al Qaeda are picking up globally. I think that despite McCain’s assertions, Obama’s got this one right.


Topic #5: Strategy for Afghanistan


  • Wants 2-3 additional brigades there as quickly as possible
  • Feels that Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan is our greatest threat
  • Wants to press Afghan government to work for its people, end the poppy trade
  • Want to deal with safe havens for terrorists along Pakistan's northwest borders
  • Would attack Al Qaeda leaders on Pakistani soil if Pakistan is unwilling or unable to act

  • Does not want to threaten Pakistan; wants Pakistani government to help in gaining support of people along the country's NW borders
  • Feels you cannot publicly announce the US would attack without Pakistani approval
  • Believes timetable for withdrawal in Iraq will have calamitous effect on Afghanistan

MY THOUGHTS: When you sift through all of back and forth and blabbering about records, both candidates make strong points. We do need increased military presence in Afghanistan. It would be great if the Pakistani government could garner the support of its people to clean terrorists out of the country’s northwest borders. But the fact is that they aren’t doing much to help us, and at some point you have to realize what’s going on and take care of business.


Topic #6: Threat of Iran


  • Form a League of Democracies with French, British and Germans to impose sanctions on Iran
  • Highlights Iran's influence on Iraq War by providing weapons to US enemies and hosting special groups for training
  • Attacks Obama's use of the words 'talking without precondition,' feels it immediately legitimizes hostile leaders and gives them credence
  • Will sit down with hostile leaders but only with pre-conditions; believes in 'trust, but verify'


  • Feels the Iraq War enabled Iran to increase its influence in the region in the first place
  • Feels sanctions cannot be successful with involving Russia and China who have extensive trade with Iran
  • Highlights that efforts to isolate hostile leaders accelerates aggressive behavior
  • Reserves the right to meet hostile leaders anytime it will make America safer; feels you cannot have a policy of 'do what we say or we won't have contact with you'
  • Wants preparation and low-level diplomatic talks before leaders meet

MY THOUGHTS: Ahmadinejad is insane. But he is also not the only influential person in Iran. Stepping up diplomatic relations will be integral to finishing the Iraq War, with or without a timetable. We do need to continue to repair our relationships with longstanding allies, but will not be able to accomplish our goals without also increasing diplomatic relations with others. Minced words aside, no president will ever sit down with a hostile leader without massive prep work.


Topic #7: What to do About Russia


  • US approach must be evaluated in light of Russia's unacceptable aggression in Georgia - a threat to stability in the region
  • Must help rebuild Georgia's economy - Russia wants to weaken it in order to push out the president
  • Warned in April that Russian peacekeepers were in Georgian territory rather than International peacekeepers
  • Must support startup democracies in the region and invite others to join NATO
  • Must work with Russia to stem nuclear proliferation and loose nuclear materials that can reach Al Qaeda

  • Need to bolster friends and allies in light of Russia's unacceptable aggression in Georgia
  • Focuses on oil pipeline that runs through Georgia to European nations; feels Russia seeks to regain old Empire
  • Must support inclusion of Georgia and Ukraine into NATO
  • Want to work with Russia, but expects them to behave in respecting boundaries
  • Highlights importance of recent political breakdown in Ukraine, ensuring positive relations with Ukraine

MY THOUGHTS: Much of what candidates said was identical, with McCain going into greater specifics such as in the case of Ukraine. I don’t think either has a real advantage over the other on this issue.

Topic #8: Likelihood of 9/11-Style Attack on the U.S.


  • Safer today than the day after 9/11, but far from safe
  • Has worked to pass into law many recommendations made by the 9/11 Investigation Commission
  • Must improve human intelligence and technology; ensure we have trained interrogators and never torture a prisoner
  • Work more closely with our allies; if we fail in Iraq, it encourages Al Qaeda

  • Safer in some ways: airport security, securing potential targets, but still a long way to go
  • Need to harden on chemical sites and transit — ports
  • Biggest threat is not nuclear missile in the skies, but in a suitcase. Nuclear proliferation is so important. Spending only a few hundred million dollars on proliferation is a mistake
  • Must focus on Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan
  • How we are perceived in the world will make a difference in rooting our terrorism. Must restore America’s standing in the world
  • We borrow billions from China, who is active in regions where we are absent – broader strategic vision that has been missing

MY THOUGHTS: I think it was pretty telling that when asked to talk about restoring America’s reputation, McCain only spent time trying to bash Obama. Obviously we are far from safe—at least Obama used his time to talk about areas where we can prevent another 9/11 attack which was, after all, the point of the question.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: I think Obama took the momentum early on in the debate, and McCain responded by resorting to minced words and stretched allegations for the last 45 minutes of the debate. Many of their responses had much in common, with the exceptions of tax policy, a timetable for Iraq, handling Pakistan, and diplomacy with friends and foes alike.


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