Friday, December 12, 2008

I talk to myself enough that I might as well do it where others can join in. What do you think?
Posted by Matt Davis at 11:07 AM 1 comments
Random thought for today: It feels awesome when I successfully rip a paper towel off the roll using only one hand. Next time you're feeling down or grouchy, you should try it. I guarantee you'll feel at least a little better. Now, on to more serious business. Well, not serious, but less random at least.
For a long time, when it's come to music on my iPod, I've been what I call an "album purist." I disliked having any incomplete album, opting instead to have everything in full. I figured, 'I've got 60 GB. It's not like I'm hurting for space.' The result: nearly 6,000 songs, many of which I've never even listened to. As of yesterday, I'm changing my ways. I'm going through those nearly 6,000 songs one by one and assigning a rating to each (1-5 stars) based on the following system:
If a song doesn't get at least 3 stars, it's gone - with one possible exception being those albums that flow in a continuous stream from start to end. If I really like the album overall, but not a particular part, it might not be worth deleting a song and breaking up the flow.
I'm hoping to get down to 5,000 songs. As of now, only 664 to go.
* Update: 12/16/08 - 452 to go.
Posted by Matt Davis at 10:34 AM 0 comments
Most of this blog entry will be dedicated to my thoughts regarding upcoming holiday travel, but first I just wanted to take a moment to lament the end of one of my favorite things about NYC: Cafe Sutra. Today I planned to meet a beautiful young lady there for coffee only to see it's cheery facade closed behind it's iron security gate and a sign saying 'Lasso Cafe coming soon.' Seriously? Lasso cafe? To the living room I never had, I will miss thee and thy comfortable chairs. RIP.
Posted by Matt Davis at 8:38 PM 0 comments