Happy 2010!

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Good morning, Interweb. I hope 2010 is off to a great start for you! I had a few minutes before boarding my 7th flight in the last month and so decided to write a quick entry.

As with every New Year, 2010 offers a figurative "new start" for all of us. The realist notes that the only real change a new year brings is a different way of writing the date. The optimist sees that simple change as a symbol for fresh opportunities to grow; a catalyst that drives us to act upon the areas for improvement we spend the rest of the year thinking about. The word "resolution" comes from the word "resolute," which means "firm or determined; unwavering." So if you make a resolution or two this year, be unwavering in your dedication to accomplishing what it is you set out to do. My resolution this year is simply to Improve; to finish the year a better, healthier, happier person than when I started it. The end of 2009 brought an onslought of exciting changes to my life, but with those changes came unpredictability and less stability than I'd grown accustomed to. Much of what I've learned about exercise, nutrition, finance and music has lain dormant these last few weeks, and as part of my goal to Improve I am re-dedicating myself toward living an organized and well-balanced life. Now more than ever before, I see the future I want to arrive at sooner rather than later, and I am energized and motivated to take the steps needed to make it happen.

That's it for now. Time to get going! Be well. And if you're in LA these next couple of days, give me a shout!


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