Why I Love Californication

Sunday, March 07, 2010

I've decided to express my appreciation for the TV show "Californication" by pontificating on my favorite Hank Moody quotes from Season 1. (As my good friend Fredie will attest to, Season 1 is the best. I may or may not follow up with quotes from Seasons 2 and 3.) Here are my favorite Moodyisms in no particular order:

"I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that." In my opinion, this one's about finding a positive within a negative. We all have things about ourselves we aren't proud of, and the right to handle them however we need to. Hank embraces his disgust because it's a sign that he wants something better and hasn't lost himself completely.

"It was the best of times... if only someone had told me. Mistakes were made. Hearts were broken; harsh lessons learned... I don't know how I got here, but here I am." The person I am at this moment is the cumulative result of everything that has happened leading up to it. The import of a moment often can't be recognized until after the fact. Highs and lows become clearer when there's more to compare them with. I don't know if I would go back and do anything differently, but I do wish I could've experienced the highs with the knowledge of just how special they were. Instead, all I can do is hope to reach them again with the knowledge in hand.

"Just because something is bleak doesn't necessarily make it true... Who says we have to be realistic?... No. We don't have to be. Realistic, that is. Not when it comes to love." More than once, I've found myself perplexed by what love can do to the way I think and act. Most of the decisions I make are carefully thought out. I try to be as pragmatic as I can be. And yet love, that untameable force, can blow over the carefully constructed view of reality I build for myself like it's made of straw. Love isn't born of pragmatism and is immune to rationality. For better or for worse, it simply is.

"I think we made the mistake of getting it right the first time... and that put an insane amount of pressure on us to keep it going. And we buckled."


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