6 Months of Blogging

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Greetings! It's been 6 months or so since my first post, and I'd like to thank anyone who has stopped by or continues to stop by. My goal was to provide a place where friends and family could check in on me, and I hope my entries have been enjoyable. Now without further ado, here are some of my random thoughts from over the weekend:

I love movie music. A well-composed score or a well-selected song is one of my favorite elements of movie watching. It is for this reason that composers like John Williams, Yann Tiersen and Gustavo Santaolalla count among my favorite Artists. Imagine how differently movies would feel without music! In Eternal Sunshine, the music rises and fades with each of Joel's memories and emphasize those he holds most dearly. The LOTR Trilogy wouldn't have been nearly as epic without its symphonic scores. Gangster rap scattered throughout Office Space highlights the irony of white collars. Sinatra speaks Harry's mind as he sprints to find Sally after finally realizing it had to be you. Any movie with John Williems (See: Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Home Alone, Superman) is as memorable as it is due largely in part to their sweeping and moving soundtracks. (To those of you with any song now stuck in your head... enjoy it.) To those of you reading - what movie music moments stand out most in your memory?

I hope cell phone usage never pervades all mass transit. I read an article in the Times today about American Airlines' decision to block VoIP access (i.e. Skype) from its new wireless broadband internet on some cross-country flights. Work addicts may decry this lack of phone access, but I most certainly do not. One of my favorite things about the subway: No mobile coverage. No squawking, shouting, one-sided bullhorns in 50 different languages flooding my ears. Compare this to my last trip home from CT on the (above ground) Metro North railroad, where I heard a man talk for the ENTIRE 90 MINUTES about everything from who looked good at a party to how his piece (read: firearm) got caught in his pants the first time he was getting down with his girl. In terms of mass transit, I will savor the quiet for as long as it continues to be.

I am ready for this no-man's land between summer and fall to just make the leap. September is an awkward month in NYC. It's cool enough during mornings to think, 'Should've worn a sweater,' but still pretty warm and muggy in the afternoons. The trees are still in full form, as if the cold hasn't yet entered their minds. I say Bring on the October. One of my favorite feelings is the nipping, crispy air on my face as humidity disappears and temperatures begin their descent into the ice box of winter. After being inundated by green for a few months, I anxiously await the firestorm of reds, yellows, oranges and purples as trees lock up their resources to last until next spring. And, of course, October means baseball playoffs. The Mariners were out after about 9 games; and after leading the NL West for most of the season the D-Backs appear to imploding way worse than people were expecting from the Haldron Collider. But, not all hope is lost... 4.5 games is a doable comeback. Either way, NYC is one of those baseball havens where you couldn't avoid news of the playoffs if you tried. And I like that.


Unknown said...

I totally agree about movie music. The music for Atonement, by Dario Marianelli was incredible, taking sounds that were happening in the action and weaving them into the music. He does that too, although less strikingly, in Pride and Prejudice. When well done, that's one of the things that I like the most about movie music--the way it interacts with the action, not just the way it punctuates it. Congrats on doing so well on your trip to Vegas, by the way. That's pretty impressive.

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