First Post

Saturday, March 01, 2008

I don't get to keep in touch with my closest friends anywhere near as frequently as I would like to. Despite the doors of communication that the internet has opened, it's no match for time zone differences, busy schedules and a multitude of activities that can overpower even an IM with a friend. In the midst of a chapter in my life comprised largely of solitude, I miss having conversations about everything and nothing with people whose presence in my life I value very much. So I've decided to start writing about random thoughts, philosophies, activities and experiences, in the hope that anyone who would like to can turn it into an ongoing conversation. This blog isn't dedicated to any subject matter in particular. It's dedicated more to context than content: the people and energy behind the conversation, as opposed to the words themselves.

So if you're here, reading this, feel free to keep in touch. I'd really enjoy hearing from you.


Matt_Gebert said...

Brodie (I still haven't decided if you will ever be Matt from my point of view), thank you setting this up. Hopefully this forum can become a replacement for those conversations that only happen in the yavapai basement at 4 am.

Kevo said...

I know what you mean...I am reading.

Matt Davis said...

Gebert! I agree, this blog will hopefully be a way for people to check in at 4 AM wherever they are (or any other time) and see how everyone else is doing, if they've got thoughts on my entries, or anything goes really.

Matt_Gebert said...

So, how's about a Yavapai Reunion in December? What are you guys doing the weekend after Xmas? Jess and I are getting married on Saturday the 27th. We weren't able to invite everyone to the wedding (because my family is too big and weddings are freakin' expensive!). I think it would a good time to get everyone together again. Peter, is your house available again?

Matt Davis said...

Having a get-together on the 27th makes good sense because people visiting for the holidays will be in town. On the other hand, people could get tied up with family obligations.

I also think that it would be very kind of Pete to offer to host the event, but that it would be good to have alternative plans in case he (or his family) don't want to do another bash.

Unknown said...

I would offer to host a bash for you guys, but my house is a slight commute for most people?!!

Unknown said...

hi darling - think its a brilliant idea!! globalism finally doing us a favour ;) amazing how one can half a world away and still keep in touch with friends. hope you're well and know i am ready!

Matt Davis said...

Yes! This is what I miss... the random joy of seeing people I know in life, care about and miss seeing. Wherever you are... whatever you're doing... if you feel like chiming in, then don't hold back. Good to "see" you Lyndall. If I had a peacoat, I'd offer it to you.

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