Death and Taxes

Saturday, March 15, 2008

For the first time, I have felt the sting of having a full-time post-college job... I owe the federal and state governments a total of $1100 in taxes. I thought it was called a "tax return," as in get something back. For a second I was really excited about having an extra $600 for the economic stimulus rebate. Now it's just a cold compress on my bruised finances... anybody else having tax nightmares? Maybe I can be like Ana Pascal from "Stranger Than Fiction" and just pay proportionately based on only the government spending I condone. TurboTax said I'm at a low risk for an audit.... tempting thought.


Unknown said...

the only advice i can give is to get a job with an international organisation - you don't pay taxes up to $80,000 you just have to declare them.

Matt Davis said...

I will have to remember that for the next job I get Lyndall! Good thinking. For now, I must simply bite the bullet.

Unknown said...

Yeah, that's terrible. The way I deal with it is to work about a year, but split that up among two calendar years, so I work one half of the year, go to school the other half, and get a nice fat return both I guess you just need to go back to school :)

Also, as this is my first posting here, thanks for this. It was a great idea.

Matt Davis said...

I hope this blog becomes a place people can go when they think, "I haven't spoken to so and so in a while..." or just a fun place to read random thoughts when bored.

That whole work/school split for "tax benefits" is a pretty cool idea. The thought of going back to school and saving on taxes crossed my mind... but I would also be increasing debt. =)

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